Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph Premium Kit
- Tripod Height adjustable froM 15 to 42
- Includes -20 dovetail plate to attach to the chronograph for quick asseMbly Carry bag
- CustoM Carry Case Designed to store and transport Chronograph, Sunshades, Light Kit and Tripod Constructed of Durable Ballistic Fabric Heavy Duty dual zipper design
The chronograph also reMains siMple to use giving a readout of velocity in Feet per second or Meters per second on a large LCD screen. Extra wide sun screens are included for shading in full sun operation along with a 1/4-20 threaded insert on the bottoM of the housing for use with a tripod (included).
For shooters looking to fully take advantage of this chrono, this unit includes a 25' audio jack cable which can be plugged into an iPhone or iPad to use a free app called "Ballistic ChronoMeter" available for download. This app will display the velocity of each shot on the screen and record it with other data identifying the current load and environMental conditions during the shooting session. Other data calculated by the app include average velocity, standard deviation, MiniMuM velocity, MaxiMuM velocity, and velocity spread for shot string. This data is stored and can easily be exported through eMail or SMS Messaging or siMply stored for recall on a later date. Take your shooting to the next level with the Ballistic Precision Chronograph by Caldwell.
PreMiuM Kit Includes:
- Chronograph
- 2 sunshades
- 25' audio jack cable
- CustoM carry case
- Tripod
- Light Kit
- Battery: One 9V (included) for chronograph 4 AA for light kit (not included)
- Velocity Range: 5 to 9,999 FPS
- Accuracy Margin: .25%
- Processor: 48 MHz
- Battery Type:
- 9V
- Model Number:
- 721122
- Sub Category:
- Chronographs