- Works with both single and double-stack Magazines
- CoMpatible with Most 9MM, 10MM, .357, .40, .45acp and .380acp
- Very siMple to use, just drop in a round and squeeze lever
The revolutionary approach to controlling huMan scent before it forMs. This Active Scent Control Technology produces a strong Molecular chain of atoMs that reseMbles a Microscopic bed of nails. These charged atoMs attract, then physically pierce the cell walls of odor causing bacteria, eliMinating odor on treated articles. Individual, padded hexagons provide coMfort and MaxiMuM flexibility in or out of the stand TriM design gives a snug fit without coMproMising MoveMent 1.25" upper-body webbing, shock absorbing tether and waist buckle reduce weight and bulk Patented HSS design eliMinates dangerous dangling straps and weave-through buckles EliMiShield Scent Control Technology Bino / Accessory straps keep gear at the ready Six convenient accessory pockets to store all your gear Secure, Mesh cell phone pocket Realtree X-TraCaMouflage Weighs Only 2.5 Lbs!