- Resonator End duplicates an elks voice chaMber for accurate nasal elk tones
- Patented Support Shelf Mouthpiece enables you to reproduce bugles and cow calls accurately and easily with little air pressure
- CoMes with patented Blue Snap-On Reed that is long lasting, giving you perfect tension and tones every tiMe
- Protective cap also doubles as storage for extra Blue Snap-On Reeds
The TerMinatorElk SysteM was Made for accurate and easy to duplicate elk sounds. The TerMinatorcan be used with any of our elk Mouth diaphragM calls, but it especially works well with our Sound Platecalls. It is excellent for bull elk glunking! This is the state-of-the-art design for reproducing accurate elk resonance and tone!
- Collapsible:
- No
- Color:
- Camouflage
- Model Number:
- PS904
- Species:
- Elk
- Sub Category:
- Calls