Tink's Natural #69 Doe-in-Rut Deer 2.75oz Scent Stick
TinksThe no-mess format of Tink’s® Scent Sticks combines the legendary Tink’s scents with a wax-base formula that makes application of America’s favorite attractants cleaner and simpler than ever. Just dial and apply to almost any surface. The easy-to-apply dial-up style applicator makes doping up a hunting spot with #69 simple and effective. The powerful, and long-lasting formulas endure a multitude of weather conditions including rain and snow! Tink’s® Scent Sticks are designed to be applied liberally on many surfaces including boots, limbs and leaves, sticks, ladder sticks/stands, fabric, and more.
Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is formulated from 100% doe urine collected from live whitetail does during their estrous cycle and is the standard on which all deer lures should be measured! A combination of the finest doe estrous and our secret ingredient makes Tink's #69 Doe-in-Rut irresistible to bucks which has made it America’s #1 Buck Lure for over 50 years!