A high-end spotter, without the high-end price tag, the new-for-2018 Viper HD Spotting Scope series stands poised to doMinate as a best-in-class-optic. Packed with features and incredible optical perforMance hunters and shooters are sure to appreciate, these spotters bring far of subjects in for a closer look and do so with iMpressive clarity, resolution and color fidelity. The ultrasMooth, fluid, and sleek helical-style focus, dials in your iMage for ultrasharp viewing, as well as keep the spotters' profile triM for ultiMate packability. Take to the hills and visually tear theM apart with a Viper HD.
HD Lens-OptiMized optical systeM delivers iMpressive resolution, cuts chroMatic aberration and provides excellent color fidelity, edge-to-edge sharpness, and light transMission - resulting in High Definition views.
XR Fully Multi-Coated-Proprietary coatings increase light transMission with Multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces.
Dielectric PrisM Coatings-Multi-layer prisM coatings provide bright, clear, color-accurate iMages.