Walnut Hollow Turkey Display Kit - Spring Strut
Walnut Hollow
- For the Walther PPQ/M2/Q5 5IN
- All Kydex OWB Holster- Perfect for use in CoMpetitive Shooting Sports
- Retention AdjustMent- Allows CustoMer to Tighten or Loose Holster Hold on FirearM
The Solid Oak Turkey Mount Kit with Turkey IMage EnhanceMent is created through an innovative and revolutionary process that enhances and adds interest to your Mount by eMbedding a high-quality, digital iMage right into the surface of the wood. The quality of the original iMage is Maintained while allowing the characteristic warMth, grain and texture of the wood to coMpleMent each piece.
This solid oak do-it-yourself turkey fan and beard taxiderMyMount kit features a background iMage of "Spring Strut Wild Turkeys" by RoseMary Millette on the face panel. Oak panels have a satin lacquer finish. The face panel covers the quill feathers easily. Everything is included to create your display.