RAPiD Safe Line-Up
Store A Go-To Firearm ...
Impervious to Unauthorized Access ...
Instantly Accessible
Featured Safes
Video Review
More than ever, you need a safe way to store a "go-to" firearm in a convenient location that is impervious to unauthorized entry yet instantly accessible if the need arises to protect yourself, your family, or your property. See how HORNADY has fulfilled those requirements.
Why Choose an RFID Safe?
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology allows for small chips to be embedded in a variety materials, with a very specific frequency unique to each tag. Those tags are then programmed to be recognized by the locking mechanism of these safes, so that when the tag passes over the sensor the lock is opened and the spring assist doors pop open.
With RFID you'll never be searching for a key, remembering a combination, or fighting biometrics with sweaty or dirty fingers. Program up to 5 tags per safe so anyone in the family can have their own!