Tink's Power Scrape Mock Scrape Scent Dripper

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Easy to transport with mess-free handling, the NEW Tink's® Disposable Scent Dripper comes pre-loaded with Tink's Power Scrape Mock Scrape Starter. The disposable dripper is designed to consistently drip for up to three days. After three days, easily replace with another Scrape Starter or switch it out with the NEW Disposable Scent Dripper Power Scrape Finisher. When bucks stake their claim, that's the time to create your own hot spot and condition them to revisit time and time again.

  • WHY USE: Tink's Power Scrape Mock Starter is formulated to make bucks scrape earlier and condition them to return to a particular location. 
  • WHEN TO USE: Use Tink's Power Scrape Mock Scrape Starter one month prior to the rut for your area. 
  • HOW TO USE: Apply scent over mock or natural scrapes around your hunting location. Hang dripper in desired location. Please do not squeeze the bag once the lid is removed to avoid displacement of the slow drip device.
  • DRIP RATE: East set up; Lasts up to 3 days. 
  • RT-QuIC tested for CWD